Year 10


Students begin their senior schooling in Year 10 where they can access a broad range of pathway choices. Our vision for Year 10 is to assist our students in becoming well rounded independent learners.

Students choose five compulsory subjects and five electives over the course of the year. Year 10 students may also apply to do a VCE subject. There is also the option of workplace learning in the VET program (each Wednesday) or undertaking a school based apprenticeship.

Year 10 teachers aim to incorporate real-life work with links to the community with the teaching programs, and align the curriculum to build bridges to their future pathways as they move to from being adolescents to young adults.

Students in Year 10 are giving life skills support through the Careers class. This incorporates work experience, with other opportunities for Melbourne work experience week and various guest speakers and excursions.

We have three Year 10 camps offered; Mt. Buller Snow Trip, a Gold Coast and the Melbourne Trip. All of these occur in late July.