Subject Selection

The Course Selection Process at Horsham College

By July of each year, all students are expected to complete a Careers Pathway Plan to identify school and career goals.

In June, all students in Years 7-11 are given a Subject Selection book that outlines subjects, prerequisites and subject selection processes. Course Selection Day is held annually in August. On this day, all students in Years 7-11 should attend Subject Selection Day with their parents to discuss and sign off on their preferred selection of courses for the following year.

All students meet with a teacher representative for their year level (generally a home group teacher or Year Level Coordinator). Students in Years 9, 10 and 11 also meet with and have their form countersigned by a member of the Careers team, or a VCE, VCAL or VET leader.

As part of this process, Horsham College staff  also provide support for students and families about:

  • VCE and VCAL
  • Undertaking a VET program as part of VCE or VCAL
  • School-Based Apprenticeships
  • University prerequisites
  • Pathways into VCE subjects
  • Undertaking VCE subjects as part of a Year 9 or Year 10 program

Subject Selection Handbook – 2025