Year 9


Our Year 9 curriculum aims to engage students in their learning and develop well-rounded, independent learners. Students entering Year 9 are provided with a broad general curriculum including: English, Maths, Humanities, Science, and Health and PE. A student program will also include an elective component. Elective subjects are offered across Humanities, Science, Technology, the Arts, and PE, with many subjects on offer in each. Details of subjects offered can be found in the Subject Selection Book. To ensure students experience a variety of learning experiences in their subject choices, we place the following requirements on each student:
• Each student must include at least one subject from Humanities, Science, the Arts and Technology learning areas.
• All students can choose to study a second language. Students in the SEAL program must study a second language.

The Year 9 teaching team are a committed group who work hard to deliver engaging learning activities that can be adapted to the needs of each individual. Where possible, classroom learning takes students out into the community to apply learning or gain valuable experiences.

Students in Year 9 are encouraged to take up leadership opportunities. Within the school this may include involvement in SRC or School House Leadership roles. As opportunities arise, students will be made aware of their ability to apply for them and any processes involved with selection. For example, our school often gains places at one of the School for Student Leadership campuses for a full term.