Our friendly teachers known as Form Group Teachers are carefully selected for each learning group. We take a lot of care that students and their families feel welcome and at ease in their new environment. We are also progressive in our teaching methods within out curriculum program enabling students to access a wealth of information in a structured manner, to produce high quality work and to interact with rich material.
Our first program is the orientation program with a focus on team and relationship building. We build resilience and confidence through respect and more individual attention so that students are comfortable and engaged and ready to learn. For those who need a little more encouragement or support we have the QuickSmart program to improve literacy and numeracy, we have a chaplain and wellbeing officer for extra emotional support as well as two Year Level Coordinators and a Leading Teacher in the Year 7 office are always there to help.
Our students will all study English, Humanities, Maths, Science, and Physical Education, Spanish and German. They also have a semester each of Art, Music/Drama, Woodwork and Home Economics.
There is also a select entry accelerated program available through application. Successful students will study in an accelerated and extended manner. This program runs until the end of Year 9.
We also assist students to reflect on their progress, to take greater responsibility for their own learning and to set short and medium term goals for the end of the year. We maintain regular contact with families as we believe a student is most successful when teachers and parents work together as a supportive team.
Our students are encouraged to develop leadership and they can nominate to be SRC leaders or Class Leaders in Year 7. There are also many opportunities to engage in activities such as sport, instrumental music and band, production and debating. There are also a range of lunchtime activities offered throughout the year.
At the end of the year we will farewell confident and happy students to Year 8 ready to welcome a new group of excited and nervous students and families.