
The study of Mathematics provides students with the problem solving skills needed to navigate the modern world and opens up their opportunities in a wide range of career pathways.

Students will learn pure and applied skills, life-applicable concepts, problem-solving techniques and thinking skills to apply to any workforce.

Students will experience technology, experimentation, group work and peer learning as they progress. An emphasis is placed on students developing their numeracy skills in all subject areas, not only in mathematics.

Students are exposed to a focus on using scientific calculators from year 7 to year 10 to support their use of the CAS graphing computer calculator in VCE, which transfers closely to real-world technology uses in STEM.

Students will study three major strands of Mathematics in a continuous manner throughout Years 7 – 10.

These are:
• Number and Algebra
• Measurement and Geometry
• Statistics and Probability

Year 10 Maths Extension (pre-methods) is a new course we are providing for any year 10 student who wishes to move into Maths Methods in VCE.

Students who are enrolled in the Select Entry Accelerated Program (SEALP) will study a course that allows them to complete their pre VCE mathematics by the end of year 9. From here SEALP students can have a wide range of choices which may include accelerating in year 10 to start VCE, providing high-level achievements in year 9. Students may wish to begin year 10 Maths Extension (pre-methods), and/or a combination of VCE mathematics pathways.

In VCE, students can select the pathways that suit their future needs. Please contact our careers office or Mathematics Learning Area Head for advice on year 10 & VCE mathematics pathways.

Many students are looking for a course that supports real-world maths needs and also provides skills to take up a wide range of tertiary opportunities. These students often choose to study Foundation Maths 1&2 or General Maths 1&2 followed by Foundation Maths 3&4 or General Maths 3&4. These studies focus on Statistics, Finance, Matrices and Networking Problems along with some advanced calculation skills.

Some students prefer to study Maths Methods in Year 11 and 12, which concentrates on algebraic techniques, polynomials and calculus. Some of these students also choose to look at applied mathematics in Specialist Maths. These pathways support those looking for pathways in STEM.

Combinations of these subjects are available and all require the use of a CAS calculator.

The study of Mathematics provides students with the skills needed to navigate the modern world and gives them the knowledge needed to undertake any new career pathway with confidence.

Students will learn new skills, new concepts, problem-solving techniques and thinking skills.

Students will experience technology, experimentation, group work and peer learning as they progress. An emphasis is placed on students developing their numeracy and expressing themselves mathematically. They are also supported to develop a summary journal/bound reference throughout their school career to improve their reflection, vocabulary and study.

Students will study three major strands of Mathematics in a continuous manner throughout Years 7 – 10.

These are:
• Number
• Measurement and Geometry
• Statistics and Probability

In VCE, students can select the pathways that suit their future needs.

Many students are looking for a course that supports real-world maths needs and also provides skills to take up a wide range of tertiary opportunities. These students often choose to study General Maths 1&2 followed by Further Maths 3 & 4. These studies focus on Statistics, Finance and Linear Graphing along with some advanced calculation skills.

Some students prefer to study Maths Methods in Year 11 and 12, which concentrates on algebraic techniques, polynomials and calculus. Some of these students also choose to look at applied mathematics in Specialist Maths. These pathways support those looking for pathways in engineering, medicine and physical sciences.

Combinations of these subjects are available and all require the use of a CAS calculator.

Alternatively, students looking to move into an apprenticeship may wish to finish their maths at the end of year 11 by studying Foundation Mathematics 1 & 2 in Year 11. This will provide them with sound skills to manage workplace maths requirements.

Students who are enrolled in the Select Entry Accelerated (SEAL) Program will study a course that allows them to complete their pre VCE mathematics by the end of year 9. From here SEAL students will have a wider array of choices which may include an option to include studies from both VCE pathways in their program.