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Purpose: Students that attend Connect Ed are teenagers aged between twelve and twenty-one, who have disengaged from mainstream education. These students present with social, emotional, behavioural, cognitive, academic and/or attendance issues. There is a focus of developing the students’ whole-self, including their academic and social development to ensure their readiness for positive post-school pathways (further education and work).
Curriculum: Each student works with their teachers to complete an Individual Education Plan which assists the students to set goals relating to their learning and achievement. The IEP also assists teachers to identify and plan individualised classes that suits the students’ needs and future aspirations. For all students the curriculum includes art, literacy, numeracy, cooking, recreational activities and self-development sessions.
Students are also encouraged to gain meaningful qualifications including their Foundation VCAL and VET subjects. Students also develop a Career Action Plan and are encouraged to undertake work experience and casual work to develop their employability skills.
How it works: Class sizes are small with some students provided access to one on one lessons which target individual needs of students. The staff are skilled in developing students social and resilience skills, and work to provide and promote strong relationships. Student academic classes are generally run in the morning, with extra-curricular activities in the afternoon to promote social growth and community connectedness. An integral part of the program is connecting to as many parts of the community as possible and provide the opportunity for students to develop positive relationships and have access to inspiring role models.
Referral Process: If you think your child would benefit from this type of program, please speak to your relevant coordinator (if enrolled at Horsham College) or contact Liam Offer directly on 0429 417 024 to discuss your concerns with main campus education. Places are prioritised by need for students aged 12-21 years.