What is the McKenzie Creek? McKenzie Creek Campus is a program within Horsham College Alternate Programs and is on the Henty Highway, Haven. The focus of the program is to provide intensive support to help students reengage into mainstream education. The McKenzie Creek site is a nature reserve covering 11 hectares of natural bushland that offers students a relaxed, peaceful environment in which to learn and develop. Electives such as Art, Home Economics, Media and Physical Education are held at the Horsham College Mainstream Campus.
Who is the program for? The program is for students in Years 7 – 8 ideally, however Grade 6 students will be considered on a case by case basis. Up to 20 students attend the Campus full time. Working towards reengagement back into mainstream education at a pace specific to each individual student.
Students who benefit from the program are those with a combination of social, emotional, academic and attendance issues and are at risk of disengaging.
Aims: The main aim is to provide students with the necessary skills and support to successfully return to mainstream education.
More specifically the program aims to help students:
Curriculum and Program: Students are bussed to McKenzie Creek at 9.00am from Horsham College Alternate Programs in Dimboola Road. The program is led by two staff members, beginning with 30 minutes of physical activity, followed by an hour each of Maths and English aligned to the Year 7 Curriculum and modified for individual needs. Programs in the afternoon focus on life, social and emotional skills to support the development of the student. Students are then returned to Alternate Programs at 3.20pm.
How are Students Selected? A selection process is used to identify the students who would most benefit from a placement in the McKenzie Creek program. If coming from a school other than Horsham College, a request can be made by the parent, the school and/or staff working with the child (counsellor, DHHS, etc.). The final determination as to whether a student will be able to be placed in the McKenzie Creek program will be made by the Program Leader and Assistant Principal for Alternate Programs.
Confidential Enquiries: All enquiries are confidential. If you require more information, or you feel that your child would benefit from participating in the McKenzie Creek program please contact Horsham College on 5381 7100 or the Assistant Principal Alternate Programs on 0429 417 024.